
Tiny Pasture Guide:About the Highest Quality


Rainbow color has a low probability.

Go to the Tiny Pasture Guide: Animals page

I apologize if some parts feel unnatural, as I am translating from Japanese.

This is a guide on how to obtain and raise the highest quality “Rainbow” animals in Tiny Pasture. Honestly, it’s more of an expensive process than just a tedious one.

Are there two patterns to obtain a Rainbow?

There are two ways to obtain a Rainbow animal. The first method is through breeding, where there is a chance for one to be born. The second method is by purchasing a new animal and hoping to get one. However, the first method of obtaining a Rainbow animal through breeding has not been confirmed.

Breeding takes time and effort, and the exact conditions are still unclear. Therefore, the recommended method for now is the second one—purchasing a new animal and hoping to get a Rainbow.

Keep trying until you get it.

This game has a feature that allows you to keep purchasing animals until the specified quality appears. I’ll be using this feature.

One thing I’ve learned is that the rainbow quality has a very low drop rate. I ran out of money along the way, so I’ll save up and try again later.

Some people might get it after trying a few dozen times, while others might try thousands of times and still not get it.

Probability of appearance(In my case)

Rabbit   1/81

Corgi    1/720

Cat     1/654

Hamster  1/2756

Fox      1/245

Chicken   1/4362

Parrot    1/146

Capybara  1/132

Alpaca   1/218

Red panda 1/756

Ghostie   1/3562

Slime    1/127

Deer     1/878

Zombie   1/529

Panda    1/618

My average probability was 1/1052. The number of trials wasn’t enough, but please use it as a reference.

To unlock the achievement, having one of each type is enough.

There is an achievement in Steam called “Unlock all colors and reach the highest quality for everything,” which may seem difficult at first, but all you need is one animal of each type with the rainbow quality.

Next, you will breed and create one rainbow-quality animal for each color. In the case below, if you want to turn the blue-quality brown rabbit into a rainbow-quality one, just make sure the pattern from the parent on the left is inherited.

Don’t worry, even if you make a mistake, the rainbow quality won’t disappear. However, it will take about 20 to 30 minutes for a rabbit to mature, so completing all the species will likely require a significant amount of time and money.

In the diagram below, select Inherit color from left parent

Let’s mass-produce pandas!

So, it’s clear that with the automatic function for obtaining rainbow quality, as long as you have the money, you’ll be able to manage it!

It seems like it would be a good idea to also set up a line for earning money with pandas at the same time.

Since it’s an idle game, it might be best to play at a relaxed pace without rushing. See you next time!

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  1. vanya

    thank you for this guide, i was worried about the rainbow animal leaving after breeding, since this is a new game, there is not much info about it

    • しらなみ

      Thank you for reading! I was also unsure if my English would be clear, but I’m glad I could be of help!

しらなみ shiranami
しらなみ shiranami
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