Crawling Lab Recommended options|Shiranami Gamer

Crawling Lab Recommended options


It’s become more interesting with each update!

Click here for the Crawling Lab Bio-Doll strategy article

Click here for the Crawling Lab Elite Biodoll article

Every time I’ve played Crawling Lab, the developers have made improvements, making the game much more enjoyable. If you stopped playing this game early on, I highly recommend downloading it again.

This might not be necessary for those who have already mastered the game, but I’d like to introduce some options that I personally found useful. In the end, I didn’t use the knife at all.

Recommended Round-Upgrades

SR Headshot damage+6

For attack power upgrades, if the growth potential is indicated in blue text, it will be multiplied by 1.5 times. If it’s indicated in yellow text, it will be doubled. Among these, boosting headshot ability is particularly beneficial for sniper usage during the later Sentinel battles. Make sure to upgrade it regularly.

Ammo+1 obtained from Biodoll chamber

From the basic retrieval machine, you only get one piece of ammunition, so keeping it will give you a significant advantage later on. (The rewards from basic retrieval have increased in updates, so the effect has diminished a bit.)

Recommended Special-Upgrades

Red-text upgrades. They appear every 5 rounds. Utilize the round-upgrade reacquisition to choose stronger ones

Careful Shooter(HG)

Damage increased by 1.5times Aimed shooting only

Piercing Shot(SR)

Sniper rifle penetrates 3 enemies


SR damage increased by 2times Only headshots from SR can damage enemies.

Ghillie suit(SR)

Biodoll does not recognize when holding a SR The effect is canceled when attacking and becomes reactivated if you do not attack for 5 seconds.

Hawk Eye

This is the ultimate upgrade. All attacks have a head shot verdict

Not recommended upgrade↓


3X SG damage Shooting cooldown 5 seconds

After clearing, there are high-difficulty stages and special items

After completing the game, Hard Mode will unlock, so I encourage you to give it a try. I believe you can unlock all achievements by playing on Normal difficulty.You can also unlock special items and have fun with the biodolls in the Test Room.

See you again!

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